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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Happy Christmas

All the staff at SERC, Newbridge and AIM would like to wish you all a very Happy Christams and New Year.

The website is coming along and hopefully early in the New Year we will be launching the site in stages.

Just one message before the Xmas break Newbridge School ( Gresham Drive, Goodmayes) has some spaces on the formal Makaton Course delivered by a qualified trainer.
The sessions will be Jan 11th, Jan 18 th, Jan 25th, Feb 1st, and Feb 8 th starting at 3.30 pm.
The cost for the Course will be in the region of £150
If anybody is interested can you contact Peter Bouldstridge directly on

Happy Christmas

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Top tip for SENCO/LSA's part 1

Have a box labeled FIGJAM - a common Aussie expression
This stands for ' Flip ! I'm good, just ask me!'

Place in here all your cards, thank you notes, write down funny comments students say to you or simply a photocopy of an amazing piece of work a student has done - when it all gets too much - take five minutes and have a look!

Thanks to Phil on SENCO forum a while ago.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

A great fun link for all ages ...even good for stressed SEN staff!

Everybody needs some fun in life especially on a Friday afternoon
Take a look at this link - great fun for all ages and a good way of developing mouse skills without realising it!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Positive role models and advice for all pupils in a wheelchair
Links to inspirational children and also famous sports people and celebrities.

Epilepsy resource for teachers and link to teenage chat room
You can download a free guide to Epilepsy designed for teachers.
A guide for teenagers- free to download
Some lovely free resources to download and use with young children.
Young people can share their experiences.
Social networking for pupils aged 13 - 19 yrs who have epilepsy.

Website for deaf children to reduce isolation
A website to help reduce social isolation felt by deaf children. The site is accessible to deaf children between the ages of 8 - 18 yrs.
It includes details of events across the UK, stories about deaf role models and information and advice on subjects such as bullying and sexual health.

Advice for specific interventions for Dyslexia / Literacy difficulties
A website that was launched this year designed to give schools and parents information and guidance on interventions for children with dyslexia and literacy difficulties.

Great site offering advice relating to pupils with Down's Syndrome.!__prof-resource is a great site with very specific advice relating to pupils with Downs Syndrome.
Click on 'download' and this will take you to categorised information divided into the following areas - Transition, Early Years, Primary and Secondary.

Great new Dyslexia resource - highly recommended
This is a good new site that has been made by 3 students all of whom have dyslexia. This is a simple site and it has some really good information about how to support
* reading
* writing
* spelling
* memory
* learning
A good one stop resource to help people develop awareness and knowledge, and also to help staff/parents become informed about strategies and interventions.

What a great treasure chest of FREE resources
This is a great site, clearly organised in all areas that you could be looking for resources in. Unlike other sites there is no need to register or complicated download instructions.
Take 5 mins to look at this site if you are supporting pupils in primary, special or at low levels at Secondary School.
I really like these free visually clear gross motor activity cards.
I see lots of pupils who would find these booklets useful.
Some lovely clear 'Look, cover, check' sheets

Fun free animated counting games - switch access
Click here to find free animated switch songs- children can access these through a switch or space bar. Nice bright clear animtated songs/stories.
*   5 Little Monkeys
*   5 Sharks swimming
*   5 Firefighters

No need to buy expensive software for Early Years / Early Skills
Here is a great link for early years pupils, pupils working at P Levels or Level 1.
Clearly organised and easy to access - a great link to give to parents for extensive fun activities to access at home as well as school.

Great collection of free switch/early years games
This link takes you to a fantastic collection of free games that an be operated by switches or space bar. Organised clearly and it will save you hours of time searching the web.
Recommended for young children and others working at P Levels / Level 1.
I love Splat the clown!

New symbol supported Newspaper - free til 26th Oct
There has been an exciting launch of a new symbol supported Newspaper. If you follow this link it will allow you to download it free for a trial. An age appropriate way to access news for Students that have significant literacy needs or for younger students.Free until 26th Oct 2011.

Hello again

Apologies for the lack of posts this term, but we have been developing an exciting new website where all our links will be organised and easy for you to find.

It is a very exciting time for us and we hope to launch the website very soon.
I have decided to keep blogging this term so we can stay in touch and as soon the website is finished we will let you know here.

If you have any specific requests for specific information please let us know.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Family fund - financial help for parents of children with SEN
The Family Fund gives grants to low - income families of children with severe disabilities. Any family whose income is less than £28,000 will be eligible to apply for a grant.
They give grants for things that make life easier and more enjoyable for the disabled child, young person and their family, such as washing machines, driving lessons, computers and holidays.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Have a great holiday!

Just a quick message from all the staff at SERC, Newbridge, and AIM
We are saying a sad goodbye to Nicky who leaves us after several years to take up a full time post in Essex- we would like to wish her every success with her new job and hopefully less travelling time!
We would also like to say 'goodbye' to the SENCOs who are leaving to retire or to take up posts elsewhere - you can still follow our blog but if you are retiring we would hope that your Internet time is spent elsewhere ...holidays, allotments etc!

Have a great holiday and see you all next year
on behalf of SERC, Newbridge and AIM

A motivating way to introduce tally charts - use Smarties!!
A nice visually clear way of introducing tally charts in a fun way !

Free 'look, cover, write' online game
Need a new way to practice spellings? take a look at this free game

British Council - Brit Lit
Some great work here- scroll down and on the right hand side there are a list of books. Each book has a huge range of activities and work prepared to support the story. If you are studying any of these stories next year- take a look here as lots of your planing will be done for you!

Friday, 15 July 2011

Maths games link for early years -> KS 2
Need some ideas to reinforce maths concepts and understanding - a very easy and clear site
Useful links to give to parents as it explains the links to different areas of the curriculum their child could be working on

New precision teaching resource

At Newbridge we are a big fan of precision teaching for some pupils who need lots of repetition and a visual clue to their rate of progress. We have a pack prepared to explain how to do this technique and we can deliver training to schools. However I found this link to make visually clear and simple precision sheets - well worth a look

Worksheet generator - huge free resource
Never a fan of worksheets and pen and paper in general- this site is quite a find as you can generate a whole range of sheets and games from a huge list of prepared words or you can easily add you own.
I clicked on 'Word Lists' and then using my own list I was able to easily make acrostics worksheets, bingo cards, code breaker sheets, flash cards, handwriting practice sheet, slideshow, precision teaching sheets, spelling practice worksheets, spelling test reminders and a word search !!!

There are also links for Maths, English, Clip Art, Clip art etc - take a look - may save you hours next term or provide you with 10 more ways to present the same words to a student who needs help to generalise skills.

I have been doing some new training in Redbridge this year looking at using simulated activities to highlight and increase general awareness for a whole range of disabilities and learning profiles. I have a list complied but to see the sort of thing I have been using, take a look at this link - great way to start some training in your school or explain to other family members why some people struggle with literacy acquisition.

Friday, 8 July 2011

An interesting article discussing dyslexia and spellings

This is some light reading but a very interesting article about spelling and our ability to spell effectively or not!
Are you looking upwards when you try to spell a difficult word?

Got a new budget - have a look at this site great sensory, language and coordination resources
A very easy to navigate site with targeted resources for sensory, communication, coordination, comprehension etc
These type of resources are often on sale at SEN shows, but are often hard to find the rest of the year or are very highly priced.
This site has a good collection at reasonable prices.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Do you have a pupil with Hemiplegia in your school? if you do take a look at this website- clear, easy to navigate and lots of good information.
We also has an extensive Hemiplegia pack which has lots of information - if you would like a copy email Suman and she will email it back to you.

Free games for children with SEN- just for fun!
Have built a collection of games that start from the very easy. Their ethos is ................
Hello, and welcome to - a website for young children and people with special needs. Games on this website are free to play and are designed to use simple motor skills with emphasis on attention span and hand-eye coordination commonly used with autism therapy activities. There is no signup, download or registration needed to play games free online. This website is supported primarily by donations, and a FaceBook "Like" would be greatly appreciated. This site is new - please help spread the news to your FaceBook friends!

A good collection of free touch screen / simple mouse games- early years, foundation stage, P levels
Here is an A-Z list of touch screen games, which can also be used with a mouse if you don’t have access to a touch screen monitor. The games were created  for the author's youngest son, Fraser, who is an autistic 3 year old with severe learning difficulties.

Simple switch games for young pupils - early years/ foundation stage/P levels
The BBC site CBeebies has developed some good games that can be operated by switches using the children's favourite characters....Teletubbies, Boogie Beebies etc.
Nursery rhymes, Mr Tumble and lots of Makaton signs and songs, simple art packages etc.
Great link to give to parents as all activities are switch operated.

How to develop pupil's coordination skills using the computer

This website offers lots of games- but click on the above link and it will take you to some specific games that help pupils develop their coordination when accessing a mouse and keyboard.

Two new typing games - both free and good fun

Typing assessment – shows you words per minute and accuracy

Quick fun game to practice typing speed for short words- good fun

Recommended books to give to siblings of students with SEN

Do you struggle to explain why your brother or sister behaves in a certain way? or why you may need to help at home more than your peers?
Provides a good collection of books that are sibling friendly and each book has a brief summary. This may take some of the guess work out of choosing a book. Good link to give to parents / carers / grandparents.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Good Young carers site
This may be a good site to give to siblings of the student with disability. Trendy and easy to access- looking at issues relating to having a disabled sibling, caring for a parent, coping to bereavement etc
Gd animated film clips and individual stories and also an interactive forum where you can engage with other young people in your situation 7yrs ->.

National Autism Show
June 15 - 16 th 2012- ExCel Centre, London
Show dedicated to Autism- click on link for further information - clinics, speakers, seminars, suppliers etc

Looking for maths resources - good link that has different areas clearly marked
Good site to give to staff and parents. The areas are neatly divided and lead you onto a large collection of games and links. I clicked upon ' Multiplication' as I was looking for Times tables activities and this led me to over 30 different web links with a wide variety of games and activities.
Gd for KS 1, KS 2, KS3 and SEN pupils at KS4.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Social and emotional needs

The Discovery Centre has put together a great website that has clear ideas, video clips and strategies to support social and emotional difficulties

These include

- Behaviour

- Social skills

- Telling your child

- Friends

- Days out/ occasions

- Turn taking

- Bullying

- Eating habits

Great ideas to support focus, organisation, homework etc

The Discovery Centre has put together a great website that has clear ideas, video clips and strategies to support

- attention

- listening skills

- organisation

- homework

- sitting

Short training videos- HANDWRITING- Prof Amanda Kirby

Great for INSET/ Training - very short clips

Handwriting skills

New typing link - a new game link to give to pupils

Short training videos, MATHS Professor Amanda Kirby - good for staff training

Video training clips-Prof Amanda Kirby

Maths difficulties overview

Using multi link to help maths

Games to play to help maths development

Have you seen this maths website? - would be good for homework




Games etc

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Very cool maths website - not a phrase you hear a lot!

Visually very cool website - very colourful and some great activities

Hopefully will engage the pupil who hates maths !

New Science writing frame to support investigations

The following generator will help provide a template for setting up an inquiry based lesson.

Can add pictorial support

Friday, 13 May 2011

Good Autism site recommended by Outreach teacher
Theresa O'Connell from Little Heath Outreach recommended this site and its really a good collection of resources. I am booked to deliver lots of disability awareness training this term- so I particularly liked the Awareness section where there are some good presentations that could be used with students. Wide range of links and resources here.
If you have a favourite site we have not featured yet - let us know and we will feature it on the blog.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Great new organisational tool- should interest the most reluctant writers

Take 2 mins to try this out. A great resource for supporting staff / parents when trying to get pupils to write their ideas down. This can also be printed out and used as a prompt for further written work.

Have a look at this new research tool - free to download
This is a very cool feature you can download free. After downloading Answer tips (free), when you need any further information from a word or answer to a question you simply need to double click on the word and without opening another browser a simple answer appears in a bubble.

Disability awareness scheme - KS 3 and 4 - free

Speaking for Ourselves Disability teaching pack for secondary schools

"This excellent pack for key stages 3 and 4..." Times Educational Supplement
Made possible by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Speaking for Ourselves teaching pack has been produced to work, in particular, within the National Curriculum for pupils on Key Stages 3 and 4 studying History, English and Citizenship.
Other students or study groups looking at the social model of disability will also find this oral history of people with cerebral palsy highly relevant.
This free teaching pack contains:
•a 15-minute DVD (view our video now online)

•a CD-ROM featuring a PowerPoint slideshow and 60-minute Radio 4 documentary

•a teaching guide (download pdf now) with sources of information for study, both inside and outside the classroom

•topic sheets (download pdf now) with specific lesson ideas

•A2 timeline poster (download pdf now) for the classroom

Order free copies of Speaking for Ourselves teaching pack online.

Great leisure ,motor ideas for pupils with motor difficulties
Here is a great selection of ideas to help parents support their child with motor needs.
- Ball skills
- Core Stability
- Bike riding
- Scooter
- Archery
- Crafts
- Golf
- Horse riding
- Martial arts
- Photography
- Swimming
- Play for fun
Click each link for further information and ideas

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Hygiene for boys/ girls/ toiletting/dressing/ personal hygiene
the Discovery Centre has put together a great website that has clear ideas, video clips and strategies to support social and emotional difficulties
These include
- Hygiene for boys/girls/adolescents
- dressing
- toileting
- food/eating
- Head lice treatment
- sleep

New free online typing programme
I have found a new visually very clear typing programme
Very simple, but effective- ideal for students who become distracted or who have a visual impairment.

Special help for special children- special gifts
This local charity has purchased specific equipment and items to help a range of children with SEN
They have purchased IT equipment, bikes, beds, sensory room equipment gives you an idea of who they have helped so far

Sibling support for pupils who have a sibling with SEN
Sibs is the UK charity for people who grow up with a disabled brother or sister. They support siblings who are growing up with or who have grown up with a brother or sister with any disability, long term chronic illness, or life limiting condition
Great young person friendly website- good interactive links where people can blog, post on a forum, have help from an agony aunt etc
Also good links and clear information with regard to specific conditions and disabilities.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Accessible changing toilets in the community
The Changing Places Consortium has launched its campaign on behalf of those people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.This includes people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and their carers, as well as many other disabled people.
There is a search box at the top, where you can type where you are going and all fully accessible toilets are highlighted on a map. Another link worth sharing with parents who have a child in a wheelchair.

SNAP- parents support group in Essex 
Special Needs and Parents (SNAP) is a registered charity (No.1077787) that helps Essex families who have children aged 0-25 years with special needs and disabilities. The children's disabilities are wide-ranging including autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, sensory impairment, speech and language difficulties and learning disabilities.
The centre is situated in Brentwood and have a great range of resources and offer differnt levels of support.
They have a multi sensory room you can use, children's activity room and also a fully adapted ICT suite.

SNAP has an extensive library of over 2,000 specialist books, hundreds of quick and easy reference information sheets and over 250 specialist videos and DVDs that you will not find in any other library.

Redbridge FIND - a great one stop source of advice

Redbridge FIND is a great resource if you are a parent and looking for information on education, leisure activities, support etc. The site is clearly set out and easy to navigate, you can also ring a free phone number or call in.

Freephone0800 587 7500
Address100b Manford Way, Chigwell, Essex, IG7 4DF

They are located on the site of the Hainault Forest Community Association (HFCA), opposite the parade of shops on Manford Way.Opening hours Monday to Friday – 9.00am to 5.00pm

Please note that the office is closed for internal meeting and training purposes on Wednesdays from 9.00am to 11.00am.
FIND have a direct link for pupils who have SEN
A link well worth sharing with Parents

MathBase1 Number to 10

MathBase1 will be upgraded this summer term ready for use in September. The first sample program Number to 10 has been put on the web at

Other languages will be added soon. The blue arrow will expand to full screen. It should also work on a Mac.

Give it a go!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Great resources for anybody working with children- staff, parents, agencies
This is a lovely site I had forgotten to revisit. There are a large amount of resources you could download free. I particularly like................
- 1,5,10 minute timer Powerpoint - great to focus attention
- PE Changing timer
- Traffic light / Noise meters
- Calming down/ behaviour support resources
- Certificates and rewards

Some fun maths and logic games- all ages
Some  lovely fun games on this site
Visually clear and also can be used to work upon visual/ spatial, sequencing/ logic skills and also some games here to help develop memory.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Team building activities
If you fancy adding some fun / learning activities into your team meetings - take a look at these ideas. A bit jargony but the ideas are good and short 10/ 15 mins and may liven up a meeting or training session.

Some lovely new sensory ideas - take a look for fresh inspiration !
Some lovely ideas to refresh your sensory focus for pupils requiring this level of support.
Ideas include porridge oat playdough, sensory water bottles etc

i pad and apps linking to education and pupils with complex needs

I have been thinking about the benefits of the ipad and using the app based software as it has been a big hit on my phone.
This link takes you to a great summary of the latest apps and how you can use them with pupils who have complex needs.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Word finding difficulties
Practical strategies to develop word finding difficulties.

Pupils with mutism
Download a free advice sheet

Need to share some inspirational people when promoting SEN/ Inclusion/ Diversity
Ellen Notbohm is a mother of boys with Autism and ADHD- this link takes you to a long list of inspirational articles she has written.
Stephen Wiltshire is the young man who can draw from memory - this U tube link is very inspiring and a great conversation starter.
Rory Hoy is a young man with Autism who has made over 30 films and is a recording artist.

Lovely FREE phonics games and resources
Lovely modern site which offers phonic activities at all different levels- may just offer enough repetition for the pupil to move to the next level without the need for specific software.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Some new fun activities to teach keyboarding and typing - print out ideas

Some great fun and effective ideas to print out - these should help reduce the boredom when learning to type.

High frequency word games to play online
Lovely site with nice illustrations - this link takes you to a game to practice
* Days of the week
* Months of the year
* 1-20
* Colours

New Muscular Dystrophy resources
A booklet from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign aimed at 4- 10 yr olds.
A4 leaflet of helpful facts and tips for 11-14 yr old boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Booklet aimed at pupils who have a child with a neuromuscular condition in their school.

Science tips for KS 3 SEN - link to a great blog by Robert Butler

I have found this great Blog by Robert Butler who is a Science teacher and SEN enthusiast. 
This link takes you to Robert's tips to promote inclusion - print this link out and give to all your Science teachers as Robert summaries support tips very well.
*     Great link to Teaching assistant tool kit ideas
*     Presentation to TA's in Secondary School re tips and strategies
A range of resources you can download to use in Class.

Highly recommended site for those supporting at KS 3 and 4

Maths worksheet generator - all ages
Most people who know me, know that I am not a big fan of worksheets or pen & paper!;however this site is great if you want to generate worksheets especially to provide an overlearning tool.
Very simple to use and the worksheet generated is visually clear and very well set out............almost enough to convert me ! Would be a good tool to generate a quick homework sheet or a sheet to provide a recap or opportunity to practice skill learnt previously.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Controlling anger- free classroom observation checklist
This free resource will help primary school teachers to assess the anger levels of children and to gain an understanding of how to prevent escalation. The classroom checklist included in this free resource will help you to assess your children's anger levels using 20 observations. Against each observation, teachers are encouraged to judge the frequency of occurance (always, usually, sometimes or never) and make comments. This classroom observation checklist will provide an effective monitoring and recording mechanism for schools.

Primary resources to support lots of curriculum areas
Take a look at this site- visually clear and easy to navigate.
Lots of fun activities to allow pupils a different meduim to practice skills being learnt at school.
This would be a great homework site to motivate pupils can provide over learning opportunities.

Want to know more about DYSPRAXIA? what it is and how to help
A great website that offers .....
* Professor Amanda Kirby's video describing dyspraxia.
* Dyspraxia signs and symptoms
* How to help children with dyspraxia
* How parents can help children with dyspraxia
* Myths of dyspraxia
* Help with handwriting

Want to know more about Dyscalculia and what to do to help?
I have just found this website- great simple site with clear information.
You can watch a video interview with Jane Emerson who describes what Dyscalculia is and symptoms to spot. It also has a good set of strategies to help. If you look over to the right of the page there is also links to a discussion forum- this is very interesting and also references to books/ websites etc at lower right hand side.

Contempary Dance company with abled and disabled dancers
Candoco is a very successful dance company who have disabled / abled bodied members. They have a video section on their website - which would give pupils of all ages a chance to see people with disability dancing alongside able bodied peers. The video clips are @ 60 secs so could easily be used as a starter for discussion or promoting positive images with students who have disability.

Disability awareness resources part 4

Scroll down to QCA Disability in Curriculum Project. A great collection of resources …………
Disabled People who have made a Difference.
Impairment, Barriers and Solutions.
Language and Terminology.
Making Sense of Disability.
Resources to Promote Disability Equality in the Curriculum.
Understanding Disability - The Social Model of Disability and Human Rights.
Ways of Promoting Positive Attitudes Toward Disabled People For Pupils.
When part of your body does not work KS2.
Secondary English
Poems with a disability focus.
English Work in KS3 and KS4.
Examples in the news.
Hacked Off - A Journalist's guide to disability.
Stereotypes - Defying stereotypes: the way forward.
What is in the Headlines?
A case of human rights by Simon Brisenden.
Richard III and the portrayal of disability.

Disability awareness resources part 3

Scroll down to Disabling Imagery
A joint project between DEE and the British Film Institute. Provides a wealth of information on how disability has been represented in moving image from the earliest days. The approach is from a disability equality and human rights perspective, which draws on the collective thinking of the Disabled People's Movement. The project website is still available at
Source materials available for download are -
Teaching Guide, Website source, and Disability in the Media.
Scroll down to ‘Disablist bullying’- download Powerpoint.
I strongly recommend you download this Powerpoint as part of staff awareness and to be shown to older students. Excellent Powerpoint – would be great for Disability awareness sessions.
A new Secondary School resource pack of posters promoting Inclusion in Secondary Schools. £15 to buy all the posters or you can download some posters free from this link.

Disability / Inclusion/ SEN awareness resources part 2

Scroll down to the section marked ‘Altogether better’. You can download each video looking at History, Media profile, Trying to change, Daily discrimination, Civil rights, Inclusion, Breaking down barriers etc. Each film @ 10 mins long – good to show as part of Inclusion training/ discussion.
Scroll down to section marked ‘Disability Equality in Education’ –here you can download 17 yrs history of Inclusion.
Scroll down to ‘Disability Rights Commission’
Here you can download a free resources to support Citizenship and Disability: A classroom resource pack for teachers - Key stages 3 and 4.
Video "Talk" 13 mins- free download
Resource pack book. –free download

Disability awareness resources / Promoting Inclusion in your schools

Several people have contacted me as they are considering have a ' Disability awareness' day / week at their school this year. I have collected together some really gd links that give great resources, free posters and Powerpoints all ready made ! I have found several links so please take the time to check each one out as definately worth saving if you are in a SENCO/ Advisory / Outreach position.

You can download free pictures/ posters of students who have disability in a variety of classrooms.
Here you can download free a pack of 45 pictures of disabled people who have made a difference to the world. Great discussion starters as the pack contains both current and historical people.
A great pack of teaching resources- giving a historical overview of Special Needs and Inclusion. Also would be a great discussion session with staff generally.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

PSHE resources to promote diversity amongest pupils - KS1, KS2, KS 3, KS 4
SCOPE is the National Organisation supporting pupils who have Cerebral Palsy. However take a look at the Education Section as this has really good resources that could be used in class.
Imagine the Difference - has been developed by Scope to help children at Key Stages 1 and 2 to understand that every human being is different, and that difference is a positive thing.

Speaking for Ourselves - teaching resources on disability for secondary schools and colleges, based on an oral history of people with cerebral palsy.

Reduced Maths software £ 30+ VAT for Mathsbase 1,2 and 3

We have been recommending Mathsbase for several years now and many students have made great progress when using it. Richard Glemberg has contacted me to let me know he has a special offer allowing you to buy all three programmes for the reduced price of £30. I have enclosed the link so you can view the products. Parents may be interested in purchasing this to provide them with a different way to practice skills.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Upper limb deficiency- Support group website - advice for parents and professionals
Reach is a National Organisation that supports parents and pupils who have an upper limb deficiency. There are quite a few pupils in Redbridge Schools who have one arm missing or affected- this may be useful to them as there are stories of pupils successfully accessing school life. There is also a DVD you can purchase.

Net Buddy - Site where you can share what works - highly recommended - give this site to parents !
I have just found this site and what a find for parents of children with SEN or professionals struggling to give further advice. I particularly like the 'Tips' section - it is neatly organised into categories such as sleep, managing behaviour, appointments, communication etc. Under each section you will find a wealth of information and ideas that people have tried and happy to share. Well organised and very accessible.