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Friday, 28 January 2011

Some new fun activities to teach keyboarding and typing - print out ideas

Some great fun and effective ideas to print out - these should help reduce the boredom when learning to type.

High frequency word games to play online
Lovely site with nice illustrations - this link takes you to a game to practice
* Days of the week
* Months of the year
* 1-20
* Colours

New Muscular Dystrophy resources
A booklet from the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign aimed at 4- 10 yr olds.
A4 leaflet of helpful facts and tips for 11-14 yr old boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Booklet aimed at pupils who have a child with a neuromuscular condition in their school.

Science tips for KS 3 SEN - link to a great blog by Robert Butler

I have found this great Blog by Robert Butler who is a Science teacher and SEN enthusiast. 
This link takes you to Robert's tips to promote inclusion - print this link out and give to all your Science teachers as Robert summaries support tips very well.
*     Great link to Teaching assistant tool kit ideas
*     Presentation to TA's in Secondary School re tips and strategies
A range of resources you can download to use in Class.

Highly recommended site for those supporting at KS 3 and 4

Maths worksheet generator - all ages
Most people who know me, know that I am not a big fan of worksheets or pen & paper!;however this site is great if you want to generate worksheets especially to provide an overlearning tool.
Very simple to use and the worksheet generated is visually clear and very well set out............almost enough to convert me ! Would be a good tool to generate a quick homework sheet or a sheet to provide a recap or opportunity to practice skill learnt previously.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Controlling anger- free classroom observation checklist
This free resource will help primary school teachers to assess the anger levels of children and to gain an understanding of how to prevent escalation. The classroom checklist included in this free resource will help you to assess your children's anger levels using 20 observations. Against each observation, teachers are encouraged to judge the frequency of occurance (always, usually, sometimes or never) and make comments. This classroom observation checklist will provide an effective monitoring and recording mechanism for schools.

Primary resources to support lots of curriculum areas
Take a look at this site- visually clear and easy to navigate.
Lots of fun activities to allow pupils a different meduim to practice skills being learnt at school.
This would be a great homework site to motivate pupils can provide over learning opportunities.

Want to know more about DYSPRAXIA? what it is and how to help
A great website that offers .....
* Professor Amanda Kirby's video describing dyspraxia.
* Dyspraxia signs and symptoms
* How to help children with dyspraxia
* How parents can help children with dyspraxia
* Myths of dyspraxia
* Help with handwriting

Want to know more about Dyscalculia and what to do to help?
I have just found this website- great simple site with clear information.
You can watch a video interview with Jane Emerson who describes what Dyscalculia is and symptoms to spot. It also has a good set of strategies to help. If you look over to the right of the page there is also links to a discussion forum- this is very interesting and also references to books/ websites etc at lower right hand side.

Contempary Dance company with abled and disabled dancers
Candoco is a very successful dance company who have disabled / abled bodied members. They have a video section on their website - which would give pupils of all ages a chance to see people with disability dancing alongside able bodied peers. The video clips are @ 60 secs so could easily be used as a starter for discussion or promoting positive images with students who have disability.

Disability awareness resources part 4

Scroll down to QCA Disability in Curriculum Project. A great collection of resources …………
Disabled People who have made a Difference.
Impairment, Barriers and Solutions.
Language and Terminology.
Making Sense of Disability.
Resources to Promote Disability Equality in the Curriculum.
Understanding Disability - The Social Model of Disability and Human Rights.
Ways of Promoting Positive Attitudes Toward Disabled People For Pupils.
When part of your body does not work KS2.
Secondary English
Poems with a disability focus.
English Work in KS3 and KS4.
Examples in the news.
Hacked Off - A Journalist's guide to disability.
Stereotypes - Defying stereotypes: the way forward.
What is in the Headlines?
A case of human rights by Simon Brisenden.
Richard III and the portrayal of disability.

Disability awareness resources part 3

Scroll down to Disabling Imagery
A joint project between DEE and the British Film Institute. Provides a wealth of information on how disability has been represented in moving image from the earliest days. The approach is from a disability equality and human rights perspective, which draws on the collective thinking of the Disabled People's Movement. The project website is still available at
Source materials available for download are -
Teaching Guide, Website source, and Disability in the Media.
Scroll down to ‘Disablist bullying’- download Powerpoint.
I strongly recommend you download this Powerpoint as part of staff awareness and to be shown to older students. Excellent Powerpoint – would be great for Disability awareness sessions.
A new Secondary School resource pack of posters promoting Inclusion in Secondary Schools. £15 to buy all the posters or you can download some posters free from this link.

Disability / Inclusion/ SEN awareness resources part 2

Scroll down to the section marked ‘Altogether better’. You can download each video looking at History, Media profile, Trying to change, Daily discrimination, Civil rights, Inclusion, Breaking down barriers etc. Each film @ 10 mins long – good to show as part of Inclusion training/ discussion.
Scroll down to section marked ‘Disability Equality in Education’ –here you can download 17 yrs history of Inclusion.
Scroll down to ‘Disability Rights Commission’
Here you can download a free resources to support Citizenship and Disability: A classroom resource pack for teachers - Key stages 3 and 4.
Video "Talk" 13 mins- free download
Resource pack book. –free download

Disability awareness resources / Promoting Inclusion in your schools

Several people have contacted me as they are considering have a ' Disability awareness' day / week at their school this year. I have collected together some really gd links that give great resources, free posters and Powerpoints all ready made ! I have found several links so please take the time to check each one out as definately worth saving if you are in a SENCO/ Advisory / Outreach position.

You can download free pictures/ posters of students who have disability in a variety of classrooms.
Here you can download free a pack of 45 pictures of disabled people who have made a difference to the world. Great discussion starters as the pack contains both current and historical people.
A great pack of teaching resources- giving a historical overview of Special Needs and Inclusion. Also would be a great discussion session with staff generally.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

PSHE resources to promote diversity amongest pupils - KS1, KS2, KS 3, KS 4
SCOPE is the National Organisation supporting pupils who have Cerebral Palsy. However take a look at the Education Section as this has really good resources that could be used in class.
Imagine the Difference - has been developed by Scope to help children at Key Stages 1 and 2 to understand that every human being is different, and that difference is a positive thing.

Speaking for Ourselves - teaching resources on disability for secondary schools and colleges, based on an oral history of people with cerebral palsy.

Reduced Maths software £ 30+ VAT for Mathsbase 1,2 and 3

We have been recommending Mathsbase for several years now and many students have made great progress when using it. Richard Glemberg has contacted me to let me know he has a special offer allowing you to buy all three programmes for the reduced price of £30. I have enclosed the link so you can view the products. Parents may be interested in purchasing this to provide them with a different way to practice skills.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Upper limb deficiency- Support group website - advice for parents and professionals
Reach is a National Organisation that supports parents and pupils who have an upper limb deficiency. There are quite a few pupils in Redbridge Schools who have one arm missing or affected- this may be useful to them as there are stories of pupils successfully accessing school life. There is also a DVD you can purchase.

Net Buddy - Site where you can share what works - highly recommended - give this site to parents !
I have just found this site and what a find for parents of children with SEN or professionals struggling to give further advice. I particularly like the 'Tips' section - it is neatly organised into categories such as sleep, managing behaviour, appointments, communication etc. Under each section you will find a wealth of information and ideas that people have tried and happy to share. Well organised and very accessible.