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Newbridge School
Barley Lane

0208 503 8773
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Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Do you have a pupil with Hemiplegia in your school? if you do take a look at this website- clear, easy to navigate and lots of good information.
We also has an extensive Hemiplegia pack which has lots of information - if you would like a copy email Suman and she will email it back to you.

Free games for children with SEN- just for fun!
Have built a collection of games that start from the very easy. Their ethos is ................
Hello, and welcome to - a website for young children and people with special needs. Games on this website are free to play and are designed to use simple motor skills with emphasis on attention span and hand-eye coordination commonly used with autism therapy activities. There is no signup, download or registration needed to play games free online. This website is supported primarily by donations, and a FaceBook "Like" would be greatly appreciated. This site is new - please help spread the news to your FaceBook friends!

A good collection of free touch screen / simple mouse games- early years, foundation stage, P levels
Here is an A-Z list of touch screen games, which can also be used with a mouse if you don’t have access to a touch screen monitor. The games were created  for the author's youngest son, Fraser, who is an autistic 3 year old with severe learning difficulties.

Simple switch games for young pupils - early years/ foundation stage/P levels
The BBC site CBeebies has developed some good games that can be operated by switches using the children's favourite characters....Teletubbies, Boogie Beebies etc.
Nursery rhymes, Mr Tumble and lots of Makaton signs and songs, simple art packages etc.
Great link to give to parents as all activities are switch operated.

How to develop pupil's coordination skills using the computer

This website offers lots of games- but click on the above link and it will take you to some specific games that help pupils develop their coordination when accessing a mouse and keyboard.

Two new typing games - both free and good fun

Typing assessment – shows you words per minute and accuracy

Quick fun game to practice typing speed for short words- good fun

Recommended books to give to siblings of students with SEN

Do you struggle to explain why your brother or sister behaves in a certain way? or why you may need to help at home more than your peers?
Provides a good collection of books that are sibling friendly and each book has a brief summary. This may take some of the guess work out of choosing a book. Good link to give to parents / carers / grandparents.