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Thursday 17 February 2011

Great resources for anybody working with children- staff, parents, agencies
This is a lovely site I had forgotten to revisit. There are a large amount of resources you could download free. I particularly like................
- 1,5,10 minute timer Powerpoint - great to focus attention
- PE Changing timer
- Traffic light / Noise meters
- Calming down/ behaviour support resources
- Certificates and rewards

Some fun maths and logic games- all ages
Some  lovely fun games on this site
Visually clear and also can be used to work upon visual/ spatial, sequencing/ logic skills and also some games here to help develop memory.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Team building activities
If you fancy adding some fun / learning activities into your team meetings - take a look at these ideas. A bit jargony but the ideas are good and short 10/ 15 mins and may liven up a meeting or training session.

Some lovely new sensory ideas - take a look for fresh inspiration !
Some lovely ideas to refresh your sensory focus for pupils requiring this level of support.
Ideas include porridge oat playdough, sensory water bottles etc

i pad and apps linking to education and pupils with complex needs

I have been thinking about the benefits of the ipad and using the app based software as it has been a big hit on my phone.
This link takes you to a great summary of the latest apps and how you can use them with pupils who have complex needs.

Friday 4 February 2011

Word finding difficulties
Practical strategies to develop word finding difficulties.

Pupils with mutism
Download a free advice sheet

Need to share some inspirational people when promoting SEN/ Inclusion/ Diversity
Ellen Notbohm is a mother of boys with Autism and ADHD- this link takes you to a long list of inspirational articles she has written.
Stephen Wiltshire is the young man who can draw from memory - this U tube link is very inspiring and a great conversation starter.
Rory Hoy is a young man with Autism who has made over 30 films and is a recording artist.

Lovely FREE phonics games and resources
Lovely modern site which offers phonic activities at all different levels- may just offer enough repetition for the pupil to move to the next level without the need for specific software.